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*** Welcome to Polprog's site. ***
polprog@polprog~$: ./ --art --links
Electronics, computers, photonics and photography
* Youtube channel
* GitHub
* Mastodon
* SoundCloud
* Stuff
* Pictures
* Friends
Digital Electronics and programming:
* NEW! Porting U-Boot to mini210 single board computer
* NEW! 8051 FPGA implementation on a common LED controller board
* Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS reverse engineering notes
* Visible + IR reverse biased PN junction photography
* RS485 example implementation for AVR and Linux
* AVR and Linux Serial Communication HOWTO
* AVR Assembly Crash-course
* PCF2111 LCD driver code for STM32
* Building a linear actuator servo
* DDD tips and tricks
* Dumping flash from a WAG54G ADSL Gateway
* Tester tranzystorow AVR - historia jednego projektu (in polish)
* Wire wrapping tool from a ballpoint pen
* [TXT] Quantum Circuits cheat sheet for Wolfram Mathematica
Software tools:
* RomView - ROM and image file analysis toolkit
* TENT - temporary ephemeral network toolkit
`- blog entry...
Analogue electronics:
* NEW! Satellite LNB hacking, building a microwave link in the Ku band
* Building a 5 ns signal generator, a journey into the 74ACxx series and homemade PCB etching
* Thyristor oscillators
* NEW! 74LS04 as an analog amplifier with bandwidth measurements
* Easy LC circuits: part 1 - theory and part 2 - examples
Analogue video and imaging:
* Modifying a CS-mount camera to use a C-mount lens...
`-> ... and testing the quality of the images it now produces
* Decostructing images and the YCC color model
* Generating faux analogue video images with python
* Getting a 4 channel saa7134-based capture card to work on Linux
Computers and UNIX systems:
* Polprog's Am5x86 based retro UNIX build log
+-> BSD/OS 4.2 page
`-> MS-DOS 6.22 Live boot floppy for all
your obscure electronic needs
* Wyse Winterm S10 - hardware information and NetBSD install
* NEW! Alix 2C and 3D single board computers, minimal modern Linux OS
* Siemens COROS LS-B/FlexOS gallery
* Step-by-step guide for aligning heads on floppy drives
* Project Modemsurfer - Linux on a Thinkpad 600x
* ASCII Art colorizer project
* How to reset a lost UNIX password
* Playing with a Compaq System I/O Board - huge PCI card! and how to get it to work on any PC
* How to set up a temporary DHCP and FTP server
* Short guide to setting up Linux as an SMB client
* What's a CMOS battery for? - Sun Ultra 1 NVRAM fix
* My NetBSD post-install tweaks
* NetBSD assembly programming without libc
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